This 93 Year Old Man Sings To His Wife On Her Deathbed And It Is The Sweetest Thing!

The poignant love story of Howard and Laura Serena, married for an astonishing 73 years, resonated deeply with millions online. In a touching video captured during their final moments together in a hospice, Howard serenaded Laura with their cherished song, “You’ll Never Know,” evoking memories of their youth and the sacrifices of wartime separation. Despite the frailties of age, their bond remained unyielding, a testament to the enduring power of love that transcends time and circumstance.

Tragically, Howard passed away on May 15, 2016, followed by Laura just five days later, leaving behind an indelible legacy of devotion and commitment. Their story serves as a timeless reminder that true love is eternal, inspiring generations to come with its profound and unwavering beauty.

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