Boaters Searched For Hours To Find Baby Racoon After They Heard Its Cries

Over the July 4th weekend in Maryland, a group of boaters came to the rescue of a distressed young raccoon. The clever crew, upon hearing its desperate cries, ingeniously threw a life jacket to the struggling animal. Gripping the life preserver, the raccoon was towed back to land and safely handed over to a zodiac for the final journey to the shore.

Describing the incident, Peter, one of the boaters, recounted the discovery of the raccoon in distress during the early morning hours of July 4, 2016. Initially mistaking the cries for birds, it took hours to locate the source—a young raccoon treading water alongside the boat. Opting not to lift it directly from the water, they provided the raccoon with a life preserver to climb upon before towing it to safety.

The heartening rescue is a testament to the compassion and resourcefulness of these boaters. Share this uplifting animal rescue story with your friends and family!

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