The boy performed such a song that the jury could not speak. They walked to the stage to hug the boy

We all know the famous X Factor global show. The goal of this amazing and popular show is to discover talents from all over the world. Every year, many talented people are discovered, and they have the opportunity to achieve greater success in their field. It can be said that this show opens new doors to new stages and success.

This time, we met a very wonderful person who also participated in the show. Englishman Josh Daniel took part in the casting, aiming to participate and impress the audience.

When his name was announced, he paused for a moment as if he was thinking about something, then he continued and went on stage.

Approaching the microphone, he told a short story and then began to perform. The boy was very excited, but he was able to control himself. He said that he wanted to dedicate his performance to his friend, whom he lost at a very early age. They were very close, and that is the reason why the boy could not cope.

There was an insatiable longing in his performance; he performed with wonderful sound data and with emotional eyes. The audience could not remain indifferent.

The jury and the audience were too moved to express an opinion and stood up to follow the boy. He had no idea what mark he left in the hearts of the audience and the jury. After finishing the performance, the boy let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes, looking at the sky. It wasn’t easy for him, but he did it for his friend.

The performance will remain in the memories of those present for a long time. Everyone was excited and extremely impressed, and the members of the jury could not even express their opinion.

They just went on stage and hugged the boy. This performance became the only one in the history of X Factor as a truly unforgettable and successful performance.

Watch the video to witness this remarkable moment.

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