Bully Threatened to Shoot Her with AK-47 Then Her Father Takes Decisive Action

Determined to address his daughter Delanie’s bullying issue, Todd planned to speak at a Timberlane School Board Meeting. However, in a surprising twist, Delanie took the stage herself.

When she spoke, the room fell silent. Many parents underestimate why their children avoid school, often attributing it to distraction or laziness. In truth, issues like harassment and teasing are prevalent in the United States.

In a bold move, the fifth-grader claimed her right to address the assembly. Todd, initially set to speak, revealed in a CBS interview that Delanie questioned his intentions as he approached the podium.

1 in 5 school-aged children experiences harassment from peers. Delanie’s brave stance at the meeting showcased the power of young voices against bullying. The Timberlane School Board Meeting became a crucial platform to address and combat this pervasive issue.

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