Heartbroken Dog Can’t Look Away from Picture of Beloved Lost Companion

Meet Greka, a warm-hearted pit bull residing in Mexico under the devoted care of her owner, Delvia González.

Among the myriad people Greka encounters, there’s one individual who holds a special place in her heart – Delvia’s 70-year-old mother, also named Delvia. Initially tasked with caring for Greka while Delvia González worked, Delvia the elder evolved into much more than a pet-sitter. Over time, Greka and Delvia forged an unbreakable bond, becoming the best of friends.

“They kept each other company and always spent time together, playing fetch with a ball, and enjoying moments in front of the TV,” González shared. Greka became not only a source of joy but also a pillar of support for Delvia, who battled diabetes and struggled with impaired vision.

“My mother’s health was fragile due to diabetes, affecting her eyesight. Greka became her companion,” González recalled. “She would alert me whenever my mother felt unwell or experienced fluctuations in her glucose levels, never leaving her side.”

Tragically, after a recent hospitalization, Delvia passed away, leaving Greka and González heartbroken. Greka’s profound grief was palpable as she accompanied her grandmother to her final resting place, understanding the solemnity of the occasion.

Despite Delvia’s physical absence, her memory lives on, as evidenced by a touching video González shared. At home, Greka remains drawn to a photo of her late grandmother, a poignant reminder of their bond. “She is visibly saddened,” González remarked. “Approaching the photo, Greka brings her ball, expecting her grandmother to throw it for her.”

Amidst their shared sorrow, González finds solace in comforting Greka, feeling her mother’s presence each time they embrace or play together. “Greka’s love for my mother strengthens our bond and helps us navigate through this challenging time,” González reflected.

During a recent outing to the beach, González and Greka received a reassuring sign of Delvia’s enduring presence, reinforcing the timeless nature of their connection.

Indeed, the profound bond between Greka and Delvia transcends physical boundaries, a testament to the enduring power of love and companionship.


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