Man Braves Danger to Rescue Drowning Chimpanzee at Detroit Zoo

A deep bond exists between humans and animals, but how far would someone go to save a life in danger?

For one man, the answer was clear—without hesitation, he risked his own safety to rescue a chimp in distress.

During a visit to the newly opened chimpanzee exhibit at the Detroit Zoo, Rick and his family were enjoying the day when they witnessed a tense moment unfold.

Two chimpanzees engaged in a struggle near the water, with one, Jo-Jo, being much smaller than the other. As Jo-Jo tried to escape, he lost his footing and fell into the water-filled moat.

Chimpanzees are not natural swimmers, and Jo-Jo immediately struggled to stay afloat.

The onlookers watched in shock, realizing the young chimp would not be able to reach safety on his own. While zoo staff hesitated, Rick sprang into action.

Despite warnings about the territorial nature of chimpanzees, he jumped the guardrail and dove into the water.

Swimming toward the frightened animal, he carefully lifted Jo-Jo with one arm while using his other arm and legs to propel them toward land. Jo-Jo clung to Rick, terrified.

With effort, Rick managed to push the chimp onto the grassy edge, ensuring he was out of danger.

Though Jo-Jo appeared lifeless at first, Rick noticed he was still conscious, offering a glimmer of relief.

However, Rick now faced his own predicament—he was inside the chimp enclosure, and another chimp was approaching. Thinking quickly, he swam back to safety before any further danger arose.

Rick’s brave and selfless act quickly gained attention, with many praising his courage and deep compassion for animals.

His actions served as a powerful reminder of the connection between humans and wildlife—and the extraordinary lengths some will go to protect it.

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