This Dude Rolled Old Plastic Bags Together. When I Saw Why… WOW! Pure Genius!

Us “normal” people tend to go about our lives without really second-guessing the way we do basic tasks. For example, how do you sleep on a pillow? How do you turn on the faucet in your shower? How do you peel a kiwi? You might be thinking these are straight forward. But could there be a better way?
Well friend, the people of the internet are about to blow your mind. These 10 life hacks are sure to make you smack your forehead and scream “why didn’t I know this before!?” For example, did you know that if you want to make a bbq and forget your lighting fluid you can use a handful of potato chips instead? Chips have quite a bit of fat in them, making them very flammable. Or did you ever struggle trying to cut open a kiwi? You probably used a knife wasting much of the food, but the best way to do it is by simply using a spoon!
Watch these and many more awesome tricks in the following video. And make sure you watch to the very end to see the plastic bag hack!

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