Texas Elementary School Triples Recess Time & The Results Are Incredible

At Eagle Mountain Elementary School in Fort Worth, Texas, educators have embraced a novel approach inspired by practices observed in Finnish schools known for their success in international education rankings. In the 2015-16 school year, kindergartners and first graders at Eagle Mountain were introduced to a schedule that included two 15-minute breaks in the morning and two in the afternoon. This time isn’t solely dedicated to physical activity; it’s an opportunity for students to engage in activities focused on empathy, team play, and other crucial social skills.

Texas Christian University professor Debbie Rhea, who played a key role in implementing this program at Eagle Mountain, borrowed the idea after studying schools in Finland. The Finnish education system consistently excels in global rankings, not only in academic performance but also in fostering the overall well-being of students. Rhea emphasizes the significance of these breaks, describing them as a “reboot” for kids that allows them to function at their best level. Teachers at Eagle Mountain have reported positive outcomes, noting increased focus, improved problem-solving skills, and a reduction in disciplinary issues when students return to the classroom after these rejuvenating breaks. This approach is set to expand to other grades gradually, with one grade being added each year.

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