Talent show: the girl’s dress flew off, the judge fell from delight!

The format of the show, in which ordinary people demonstrate their abilities and receive ratings from a star jury, is at the peak of popularity.

Vocal auditions and dance numbers attract particularly large audiences.

Performances by newcomers to the big stage are full of emotions and cheerfulness. The choice of a song and the staging of the dance become their calling card, primarily evaluated by the audience in the hall.

The favorites of such shows stand out due to their vocal abilities, acting skills, and bright, memorable images.

Every season reveals new talents.

One such talent is 37-year-old Christina Ramos, whose performance is presented in the video. She conquered everyone with her energy. She passed the initial selection at the Spanish talent show and presented the aria “Cantante” in the first round to the jury.

The audience and the star jury appreciated her beautiful operatic voice, but that was just the beginning.

Christina embarked on a bold experiment. She suddenly tore off her classic evening dress in the middle of the performance, transforming into a bold rock diva.

The respectable aria was replaced by AC/DC’s popular single “Highway to Hell.” The unexpected transformation shocked and delighted the audience.

It’s worth a look.

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