Three years later: See how the participants of the 6th season of ‘I Weigh 399 lbs’ look now

The latest season of a well-known weight loss program didn’t achieve the success of its predecessors.

Many participants struggled to shed pounds, and some exited the competition prematurely.

This season featured the heaviest contestant in the show’s history, who weighed a staggering 382 lbs.

Today, we spotlight a few competitors from this season, exploring their victories and setbacks.

James faced a significant challenge after losing a leg in an accident at 29. His grief led him to find solace in food, resulting in significant weight gain.

Reaching 291 lbs, James realized he needed to take control of his health despite his disability.

Through immense determination, he lost nearly 150 lbs within a year, showcasing his incredible willpower.

Tragically, after the program ended, James succumbed to depression and took his own life at 30, leaving behind a legacy of courage and resilience.

Janine, 53, struggled with severe weight issues, tipping the scales at 307 lbs. Her mobility was so limited that walking was a near-impossible task.

Despite her participation in the program, Janine didn’t fully adhere to the diet and exercise plans, resulting in a modest weight loss of 50 lbs, which was insufficient given her initial weight.

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