Train conductor halts locomotive, exits to rescue turtle trapped on railway tracks

Train conductor Serhat Topal from Turkey demonstrated extraordinary kindness when he halted his usual route to rescue a stranded turtle on the tracks.

Spotting the turtle attempting to cross towards the countryside but stuck, Serhat took immediate action.

He stopped the train, stepped out, and carefully rescued the turtle, preventing it from harm’s way. With gentle care, he lifted the turtle over a fence to safety.

Serhat noted the turtle appeared healthy and walked away happily after reaching the other side.

While such delays can frustrate train passengers, Turkey’s appreciation for animal welfare was evident.

Serhat’s passengers understood his compassionate act and were supportive, acknowledging his effort to help.

Reflecting on his actions, Serhat emphasized the importance of treating all living beings with kindness and love.

“All living things are our friends, and we should approach them with love,” he expressed.

“Helping animals is everyone’s responsibility, and I simply fulfilled mine.”

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