Young Couple Faces Saleswomans Pathetic Critique After $130 Engagement Ring Purchase

In 2018, Ariel Desiree McRae and her boyfriend Quinn, deeply in love but struggling financially, faced a pivotal moment after two years of dating. Recognizing that their love couldn’t wait for financial stability, Quinn proposed, and Ariel joyfully accepted.

Despite his financial constraints, Quinn couldn’t afford the pear-shaped ring set Ariel had admired. However, determined to express his commitment, he saved up for a thoughtful alternative – a $130 set of matching rings crafted from sterling silver and cubic zirconia.

Anxious about Ariel’s reaction, Quinn asked, “Are you sure you’ll be happy with these? Is this okay?” The rings may not have been extravagant, but Ariel cherished them, understanding that the true value lay in marrying her best friend.

However, their happiness was marred by a hurtful encounter at the jewelry store. While making the purchase, a saleswoman approached, disdainfully observing Ariel’s rings on the counter. Loud enough for Ariel to hear, she remarked to a coworker, “Can you believe that some men get these as engagement rings?! How pathetic.”

Witnessing Quinn’s disappointment, Ariel chose not to create a scene at the store. Instead, she turned to social media, sharing her story on Facebook.

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