If You Spot a Plastic Bottle on Your Tire, Here’s What You Need to Know

In today’s complex world, where everyday responsibilities seem to multiply, it’s crucial to stay vigilant about your safety.

One emerging tactic used by thieves could put you at serious risk, and it’s important to know about it.

If you spot a plastic bottle wedged between your tire and the vehicle’s frame, take immediate action.

This seemingly harmless item could be part of a new method carjackers use to target unsuspecting drivers. Here’s how it works:

Thieves place a plastic bottle on the front passenger side wheel of a car they intend to steal. The bottle is positioned to make noise when the vehicle is driven, drawing the driver’s attention. As you pull over to investigate the strange sound, the thief takes advantage of the situation.

If your car is left running or the keys are inside, the thief can simply drive off with your vehicle. Additionally, they might use the distraction to steal personal items left in the car.

This trick, which originated in Limpopo, South Africa, has spread globally and is now a notable threat in the US. To protect yourself:

  1. Inspect Your Vehicle: Before getting in, quickly check around your tires for any unusual objects, like a plastic bottle.
  2. Stay Alert: If you see a bottle or notice any odd noises, be cautious.
  3. Call for Help: If you suspect something is wrong, silently call 911. Provide your location and details about your car and the situation.

By staying vigilant and informed, you can protect yourself from these dangerous tactics.

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